• Registration Deadline: JUNE 15th! This lets us know who is interested and allows us enough time to prepare.
• Who qualifies for this free camp? Local Kids to Camp is a FREE camp for youth that have completed grades 3-5 (or going into grades 4-6 in August of 2020) in Morris and Wabaunsee Counties, that attend local elementary schools at White City, Council Grove, and Prairie Heights. Home-school students from these areas are also invited.
• Will there be “camp store?” No Camp Store (Snack Shack) but WMC will provide afternoon snacks for everyone.
• Why allow Local Kids to Camp to operate? This camp consists of a clear separation of groups by grades, which limits group sizes. All youth and families are from a similar geographic area monitored by local health departments and sharing similar COVID-19 case rates and testing.
• What activities will be allowed at camp? Most everything will be available to do at camp, however we will have smaller groups and more cleaning to do which might slow down our pace. That being said, we plan on swimming pool, kayaks, canoes, paddle boats, high ropes course, campfires, and all of our fun stuff.
What safety measures will be in place for Local Kids to Camp?
During Camp:
•Staff will take temperatures and perform general screenings during check in and check out.
•General group sizes of approximately 20 people.
•Eating meals in shifts to keep indoor gatherings small.
•Scheduled breaks to wash hands, sanitize toys and equipment
•No “low ropes” course activities since spotting and working closely with each other is required. We WILL do high ropes course with extra cleaning measures.
•Encourage general social distancing.
Drop off and pick up:
•Limiting extra guests during drop off (have extra family wait in the car with the AC or linger on benches in front of the office away from the main check in area.)
•Drop off kids and luggage at the dining hall. WMC staff will help campers take luggage down to cabins to help in limiting outside exposure.
•Scheduled drop off and pick up times for campers, to limit large gatherings.
What if Local Kids to Camp is cancelled?
If we do not receive enough interest from our registrations to meet the needs of our grant/donor funding, we will cancel camp for 2020. We will then prepare Local Kids to Camp for 2021 and hope to see you there!